Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Hidden Benefits of Exercise

A client friend sent me the link to an article in the Wall Street Journal called the "Hidden Benefits of Exercise". It is definitely worth a look. It is a rather comprehensive survey of the many benefits to a variety of the body's systems. One of Pete Egoscue's mantra's is that movement is key to our health and it is often in short supply in our daily lives.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Some favorite finds the past year

Here are some things I came across of note this past year worth mentioning.
Favorite movie - Man on Wire
Favorite book - "The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos-Humanity and the New Story" by Brian Swimme
Most played music - probably the soundtrack to "Into the Wild" by Eddie Vedder
Favorite physical activity - doing an Egoscue menu followed by hiking with my hiking buddy Greg
Favorite food this past year - Mostly vegetarian Indian(been going to a place called Sarovar in San Antonio)
Favorite getaway spot - New Years at Padre Island(a full moon on the beach!)
Favorite home garden feature - winter lettuces
Favorite topic to contemplate - health care debate(see previous posts);close second-the horrible economy

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Michael Pollan interview on new book: Food Rules - An Eaters Manual

A nice way to start the new year with a link to a NY Times interview with my favorite food writer Michael Pollan. His new book is called "Food Rules - An Eaters Manual". The "Well blog" at the times solicited tips from readers, nutritionists and people all over the map on their own useful tips that go with his theme from the his recent book "In Defense of Food". The theme is summarized in the statement - eat food, not too much, mostly plants. For some reason I could not get the blog to highlight the link so just cut and paste to your browser.

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