Sunday, July 05, 2009

From Physical Therapy to Egoscue

I just came across a brief but interesting discussion from two women for PTs who now have a practice using the Egoscue Method in Virginia. They talk about the journey they took from having an active Physical Therapy practice to an Egoscue Method practice, what prompted their journey and the difference it has made in how they work with chronic pain conditions. Worth a look. The video is about 7 minutes long:

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Animal Drills

I am always on the lookout for movement drills and exercises that promote functional joint interaction, with emphasis on hips. I came across these drills from a site on youtube. There are many different animal movements simulated that offer fun and challenging ways to move the body. By the way, youtube has tons of stuff regarding exercises and movements that are helpful in promoting functional strength. Some the the Egoscue "Patch" routines are available there. In addition the Tibetan 5 Rites sequence is available, another routine I incorporate. Just keyword in the youtube browser.

For the Animal drills: